
Monday, 17 April 2023

Turnip 28 AAR


We had a day of playing some Turnip28 games.
We started this project some time ago but havnt manage to get a game in yet. But for the day we had some painted miniatures and we had almost read the rules...
Just to test out what we had gotten us self into.

We played with one Toff each and two units with two players on each side.

The monster closest in this picture would rulewise count as a unit of Brutes with close combat weapons.
With a wound marker marking the actual "models" in the unit. Its a simple way to have a larger monster but still use the standard rules, it worked out great.

The Knight of Snailwood charges in...

Black powder smokes, marks that a unit has shot this turn and cant shoot further this turn.

The monster is charged by the Snailknight.

The monster panicked and retreated past my fodder unit with black powder weapons.

After it had past them I ordered the unit to volley fire the monster to smithereens..

Game two, we felt we had gotten a grip of the basics rules after the first game and after som alterations on the terrain and lists we where at it again.

The Stump guns starts to shoot...

After a forced march I had managed to capture the defensible hill with the important well. My fodder unit starts to fire at its enemy,

Having a Toff of, a duel... This time my commander was cut down.

So after the two games of Turnip 28 I can just say that this seems like this could be a really really fun project to dive even deeper into.
The world is just wonderful with all the miniatures options, the world to explore with terrain projects and such.
The game is somewhat swingy at least at this small number of units we played but it really doesn't matter, it just makes some scary monsters manageable. As long as a player does take a somewhat balanced armylist this is no problem and I think that the scenarios and special cults that you can take balances out any to powerful army lists. 

All in all we really liked it and it sounded like all the players got inspired by this nice game.

Here under is some more pictures not taken by me from the day.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Solar Auxilia - Armoured support


I gave the armoured might of my Solar Auxilia some more love. These are not newly bought or newly painted tanks but they were not painted to this standard before and I wanted to add some levels of details on them.
For these I gave them all an oil wash and gave them a "buff" highlight and gave some turrent weapons plasma or volkite glow


Here we have one of the two older Leman Russ hulls thats been given a FW turret and some greenstuffed/pressmoulded bits to raise its standard. Both these two older Leman Russ hulls were bought second hand many many years ago and I think its fun that they have found a home in my collection.

Second of the older Leman Russ hulls, this vehicle was given an old metal Autocannon weaponry, making it somewhat front heavy.

Here are some extra turret weapons for swapping around.

In the same batch as the Leman Russes I also gave these artillery wagons some love.
As with the Russes I gave them an light oilwash and a drybrush of buff to give them greater depth.
Unfortunately they are really bad in this edition, costing way to much and doing far less then previous edition.
But what I hate most about them is that the Medusa mortar is almost exactly the same stat and rules as the eathshaker variant, the largest difference is the range. Making the medusa mortars really stupid to use. Atleast they look cool, but I think they will never see the gaming table in this edition.