
Sunday, 29 September 2013

Swedish medieval light cavalry

It was actually after I talked with my friend Peter and he revealed his latest shopping list of miniatures that I started to glue these together. The very same evening that he told me he had just ordered a plastic box of Conquest Games Norman Infantry and that he had a plan to paint them up as Danes that I opened up a drawer with some left over miniatures from some conversions and kit bashings from my Viking project.

I have for some time now thought about gaming medieval Sweden or Scandinavia and one plan was to hav the conflicts between the Swedish families of Sverkar  and Erikar as the main theme and used in the battles of Älgarås1205  , battle of Lena 1208  and the battle of Gestilren 1210.

Any one seen the Swedish movie about Arn should get quick idea of what Im after, well except that crusading looking fellow, the main character in that movie of course.

I have thought about getting those promising looking plastic boxes from Fireforge games but I think that these battles could be a little too early on for those miniatures. I might have to rethink my setting for the miniatures if I should get some. But as Im far from an expert in this era I could be wrong.
Im not sure what years Firefirge Games miniatures are meant for.

Anyway, when my friend Peter told me he had just ordered some plastic miniatures and plan to paint them as Danes I thought that as I already had some of those miniatures at home I could paint them as Swedes and battle his miniatures.
I started to assemble a small force and had even primed them before I went to bed that night. Here are the first miniatures from this little adventure.

They are meant to look as sort of light or medium cavalry so I tried to keep the gear as simple as I could. 
I went with the colors blue and white so I could use these as soldiers from the house of Eric but in the same time giving me the option to be rather generic if I find another theme or way to use them. I based the miniatures singly so I have the option to use them in skirmish games.

So Peter... Hope those miniatures will be delivered to your house soon because Im already prepared and mustering the forces...


  1. Très jolies figurines j'adore la robe des chevaux. A bientôt Christian

  2. Greate paint work !!!

    I don´t think I would call them light as they look prety much as I imagine Swedish Knights from the time. Might add a Greate Helmet or so.

    Regarding the Fireforge minis I thing they would suite your project quite well especially mixed upp with some GB Vikings. But I would leave most of the barded horses to the danes.

    I realy looking forward to follow your and Peter´s project !

    best regards Michael

  3. Yes, yes, yes!:) I am also looking forward meeting you on the gaming board with my danish medieval soldiers.I have bought a real nice book from Osprey to get some inspiration in how to paint.
