
Monday, 10 March 2014

Danish Sergeants Heavy Cavalry

I cant paint Saracens all the time and had these Danish cavalrymen halfpainted on my table and thought that it was about time to give them some more paint.

Ever since I saw the miniatures from Fireforge Miniatures painted up as Danish Knight I knew I wanted a unit of those, they looked that good. :)

The miniatures was fun to put together and I think it was easy to achieve some nice poses. I really like these Fireforge Miniature kits.

So here I have a small Danish unit painted in the traditional Danish colours of red and white, a striking colour combination that I like.

Even thou I havnt given these lads as much time and effort on the details as some of my other miniatures I am happy with the outcome.
Its always a hard decision on what level to paint miniatures, to mass paint or to give them more details.

They are intended to my Medieval Scandinavian project but could be used in my crusader project if needed.

Peter > , about time you started to paints some Danes of you own...


  1. Greate work !!!

    I'm a bit tempted to get me some of the fire forge plastics to for a new medieval swedis project...

    1. I would love for you to get some and paint up for a Swedish project. Seeing how your other projects turns out.

  2. Lovely work, Engel. You are right: the red and white is very striking. May they fight well too!

  3. Beautful, love the colors!

  4. fantastic painting and the colours look great together.

  5. Very nice painting-work there Mr J. I will start painting my own medieval figures in danish colours in april. I am very thrilled starting to paint again.I will meet you on the gaming-table when I am finished painting! ;)

    1. I would love to get a medieval Scandinavian battle going... Now start painting.
