
Monday, 15 December 2014

Beridna skyttar

Why not combine horses and crossbows...

The miniatures are from Fireforge Games.

I used some of arms from their infantry kit to get a lighter appearance, I didn´t want a unit with the level of protection as a heavy knight unit. I didn´t have enough arms to equipment to arm them all like that unfortunately.
And I tossed in some round shields. You cant have enough round shields in a Scandinavian project...

As two of them are single based they can also be used in Lion Rampant without a problem besides Hail Caesar that is my main idea for this unit. In HC I mean to use them as medium cavalry with crossbows.



  1. Why not indeed, they look great and the mixed in round shields add the Scandinavian flavor. It's the first I've seen of the Fire-Forge horses without bardings, which also look very nice in terms of sculpting, animation etc. Were they easy to fit and glue together?

    1. Thanks.

      Actually no problem at all to glue them together.

  2. Exellent build and paintwork Jonas !

    Looking forward to see them IRL when you bring them for a game of Lion Rampant.
