
Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Tungt infanteri

I have painted a small unit of heavy infantry belonging to the House of Folkunga/ Bjälbo.

The miniatures them self are a mixture of Gripping Beast plastic hirdmen, Fireforge Games Heavy infantry and two Curteys miniatures.
I wanted to try out a new technique as I was after an image of lots of chain mail. By using the chain mailed torsos from GB and arms from Fireforge I think I managed to nail the picture I had in my head with a unit with lots of chain mail.
The Curteys miniatures fit perfectly into my unit as an added variation and I the effect it gives to mix in some metal miniatures in an plastic unit.

I started with priming them "Panzer grey" a dark grey that I really like as a start for painting chain mail. The chain mails was then drybrushed with metal before I started to paint the blue and the rest of the colours.

I have chosen to give them the Lion symbol from the House of  Folkunga/ Bjälbo. I wanted to have the symbol in one colour and not adding silhouette and details of the faces on the lion as I imagined that the yellow lion form wound be enough for these men. This also speeded up the process.

Starting with a dark grey primer and a metal drubrush was a really nice technique for this unit and I will probably use it in the future on units with much chain mail.

I went with the bases you get in the Fireforge boxes and the 60x40mm base is nice for multibasing, I had four men in the front rank and two in the second. By using more men in the front I get a much tighter shieldwall formation without having to paint more miniatures. It also makes a much more fun and varied look in the units.

I choose not to remove the Thor's hammers on the hirdmen torsos as I imagined that the old Gods and their symbols would still be used by warriors.
After the battle of Lena 1208 the victory was attributed to Odin and this shows that for the warriors at this time the old Norse Gods had some importance, at least as a sort of superstitious tradition if nothing else. 


  1. I also use dark grey (usually german grey) as base for metal, at 15 mm I only use dark grey, especially for "modern" weapons.

    Nice looking unit.

    1. Thanks.
      German grey have to be one of the best color ever. I just love it, from the base of chain mails to watering it down and using as a wash on armour and as you said on guns and so on.

  2. Very nice. I have always used black as my base for chainmail and then drybrush on the metal. I'll try this as a variation in some units - not all chainmail would look the same after all.

  3. Great looking infantry, and beautiful mix of blue and white colors...
