
Friday, 7 April 2017

Game 4, Big battle: Horus Heresy - Escalation Campaing, Lacum Itineribus

Game 4, Big battle: Horus Heresy - Escalation Campaing, Lacum Itineribus

This is the battle 4 for me in our 500pts Escalation campaign.

Some of the players could not stay the whole day and dropped out.
At the same time as Tobias and I played our small battle (game 3 in this series some of the other players played a big battle with multiple players on each side.

Fredrik, the commander of the Word Bearers had also finished his smaller battle and was freed up for more gaming and thus it was decided that our forces would be allowed to be deployed as reserves and as deepstrike if we so choose.
The Word Bearers looked more "traitory" and my Alpha Legion would therefore be playing for the Loyalist this game.

And thus our forces was thrown right into the action...

Iron Hands has a nice looking defensive formation, their commander is closing in on the big black dice on top of the building to the right as this was an objective to secure and be carried out of the table.

Word bearers troops deepstrike in the open area as their dreadnought moves in from the rear.

Night Lords Doredeo dreadnought are looked in combat with Raven Guards infiltratiors.

A Space Wolf dreadnought are seen amongst the Iron Hands.

The Word Bearers dreadnought again... I just love this conversion, it looks so mean.

Empires children's commander with his elite bodyguards are at the centre of the board and closes in on the Iron Hands positions. Behind him but hard to spot are Traitor Alpha Legion forces in the form of a specialist weapons teams all with flamers and the Alpha Legion commander.

As the Space Wolves dreadnought moves closes to the Word Bearers the Emperors Children strike...

Iron Hands breachers shoots reaction fire as the imperial purple clad traitor marines charges...

Loyalist turn and my forces are allowed to deepstrike, my terminators scatters and have to take the fight from here. Traitor Alpha Legion headhunters to the left and Night Lords to the right... We are right in the middle of the fray...

As the Emperors Children is in combat, their commander in a duel with the Iron Hands sergeant my Alpha Legion Centurion charges in with his mighty Thunder hammer...

 Making short work of anyone he hits... But it is not over yet...

The Space Wolf dreadnought charges in...

On our left flank these Raven Guards seems to be in trouble from the Emperors Children...

The Raven Guards that was in combat with Night Lords Dorodeo are now free after taking the big dreadnought out of action. The Word Bearers dreadnought charges the Space Wolf one as the Iron Hands Dorodea dreadnoughts opens up with all its weapons on some poor Night Lords troops trying to grab an objective...

The combined might of the Iron Hands breachers and my Centurion was able to destroy the Emperors Childrens onslaught...  A tactical redeployment was in order as the Word Bearers dreadnought had made short work of the Space Wolves one and was closing in... fast...

The Raven Guards infantry was trying to use its elevated position to move past the Word Bearers commander.

Dreadnought closing in...

And charges... And unfortunately wins the combat without even breaking a sweat.
After the swift combat it changes position and are facing the Iron Hands dorodeo as it was planing to have its thicker front armour in its facing...
Little did he know that to turn an unguarded back to an Alpha Legion was a bad mistake...

My Commander closes in and was able to take the last hull point by throwing an krack grenade...

On the table outside the camera, my last terminator had managed to climb the hight building in the centre of the table and grab that objective and was moving down with it into safety. My tactical squad that I didnt manage to capture on camera (must bee their shiny armour that plays tricks on any form of sensors...), they had managed to take out the traitor Alpha Legion commander and his specialist weapon team. They were even able to charge in on the last traitor Alpha Legion headhunters and grab the objective they were carrying...
So two out of three moveable objectives secured by the Alpha Legion troops and my commander was standing besides the burning hull of a dreadnought on objective "3" as seen on the last picture.
My Alpha Legion had done good, damn good.

All in all a really great intense game with a great success for my troops.

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