
Monday, 23 October 2017

Avarii VII game 3, Solar Auxilia vs Iron Hands

Game three and I would be facing a Warhound... it was huge...
Darn it...
But to my big surprise I had a really great game, Emil Holmquist was a really nice dude and it was a real joy to be obliterated by his force...

The Warhound was deadly but I never felt it was broken, and I would love to meet it again.

The games started really bad as I lost the roll for deployment and that meant I would be forced to deploy in the corner with a big mountain taking up much of my deployment area and that the Iron Hands would start the game...

The confined deployment area meant that I got units that didnt manage to get a clear line of sight to the enemy and I was blocked from advancing with my army but for some narrow lines.
My plan to hold in the centre and make an armoured push on my right flank got totally stopped as a lone leviathan decided to drop in my way. I had to stop it from chewing right through my armour somehow...

And the Veletaris lost their transport... I think it was the Warhound that obliterated it.

Raining phosphor onto my infantry two brave veletaries managed to survive.
My Tank commander managed to take out the Leviathan and in the end almost managed to take out the Warhound and the Sicaran tank. But my lone hero was not enought to stop the enemy army as the rest of my guys failed to do anything useful...

Air support managed to arrive and let loose with two Kracken penetrating missiles but it failed to make any impact... That pilot is not my most valuable miniature, thats for sure...
I really really needed to stop that Spartan and all those Terminators and HQ in there... I have nothing that is anything close to that.

Enemy HQ is rampaging through my lines... I tried to take them out with the Malcador and my last Medusa but nothing could inflict enough damage, they just brushed it aside and continuing slaughter my men.

My Xeno wild beast (count as Ogryns) again failed to do anything useful in this game and was cut down in close combat.

It was a loss but a really fun game.

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