
Monday, 3 September 2018

Escalating conflict on Parvana Mahrukh, Solar Auxilia vs Milita Horus Heresy battle report

We are back at the Parvana Mahrukh System and are looking at the Parvana Mahruk Prime and the escalating conflict.

In the last episode we could see the Eastern Fringe Trading Company launching an surprise assault on the unprepared forces of the Expeditional Protection Force that was sent out to stabilise the turmoil on the planet in an attempt to get the trade good flowing again.
An AAR from that can be seen here:

The Eastern Fringe Trading Company had managed to take out a couple of EPF bases and were now looking for to consolidate their claims.
We will now see the action from one such place were the EFTC took military actions in an show of force. The plan was to show the EFP and clan and regional lords and warlords that the Estern Fringe Trading Company was serius in their trading operations.

In the planes of Benafsha region an important set of hills with light fortifications had been located. This set of hills hold control over the planes and the trading roads in the area.
This would be an excellent vantage point.

It was lightly held by the Expeditional Protection Forces but military patrolls was operating in the region and could show up at any moment.
The order to attack hill 134 in the planes of Benafsha region was given...

We would play the old "Take and hold" scenario with 2000pts forces.

Here is my force

++ Armies of Dark Compliance (Solar Auxilia) [1996pts] ++

+ HQ +

Lord Marshal [167pts]: Artificer Armour, Blast pistol, Digital Lasers, Displacer Matrix, Grav-wave generator, Lord Marshal, Master-crafted weapon, Paragon Blade

Auxilia Tactical Command Section [95pts]:
. Strategos: Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol
2x Veteran Auxiliaries, Veteran Auxiliaries
2x Veteran Special Weapon Auxiliaries: Grenade Launcher

+ Elites +

Auxilia Medicae Detachment [60pts]: 3x Medicae Orderly

Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Squad [185pts]: 3x Ogryn Charonite

Household Retinue Squad [285pts]: Shroud Bombs
. Auxilia Arvus Lighter Orbital Shuttle: Armoured Cockpit, Flare Shield, Flare/chaff launcher, Twin-linked Autocannon
. Prime: Power Weapon

+ Troops +

Auxilia Infantry Tercio [544pts]

. Dracosan Armoured Transport: Flare Shield, Pintle-mounted Multi-laser or heavy flamer
. Auxilia Flamer Section
. . Sergeant: Laspistol, Power Weapon

. Auxilia Lasrifle Section
. . Troop Master: Blast Pistol, Power Fist,

. Auxilia Lasrifle Section
. . Sergeant: Blast Pistol, Charnabal Sabre

Auxilia Infantry Tercio [290pts]
. Dracosan Armoured Transport: Flare Shield, Pintle-mounted Multi-laser or heavy flamer
. Veletaris Storm Section
. . Prime: Charnabal Sabre, Laspistol, Volkite Charger
. . Velentarii: Volkite Chargers

+ Heavy Support +

Auxilia Artillery Tank Battery [185pts]
. Auxilia Medusa: Pintle-mounted Multi-laser

Auxilia Artillery Tank Battery [185pts]
. Auxilia Medusa: Pintle-mounted Multi-laser

++ Total: [1996pts] ++

The mighty xeno beast used by the Eastern Fringe Trading Company are seen advancing against the Expeditional Protection Forces. (count as Charronite Ogryns)

Racing at full speed ahead, a Dracosan is starting to traverse the hill top.
The missile launcher team on top of hill 134 felt the bombardment from the Medusas and are more or less taken out.

The EPF levy are manning the first line of defences.

They let lose a volley of fire but the EPF levy unit is not good shots...

As seen here the last missile laucher teams are cleared out by a combination of lascannon and multilaser fire from the Dracosans. Clearing the way for future advancements.

The Lord Marshal with his personal retinue are flying in their Arvus Lighter on on the now cleared out top of the hill.

The lines neads to be cleared and the Veletaris dismount as the Medusas starts shelling the defences.

An massive explosion hit the defenders.

And a big hole is formed were defenders use to stand..

The Volkites from the Veletaris thin the lines even further.

On the right flank the infantry and the xeno beasts are getting closer.

Enemy patrols have responded to the attack and starts to show up to strengthen the defenders.

Grenadiers in power armour with boltguns.

My Lord Marshal and his retinue dismounts from their Arvus, taking up fire position on the edge of the hill to shot with their Volkites on the enemy Ogryns.

A Solar Auxilia flamer squad dismount from their Dracosan and unleashes hell on the poor Levys, again the ones to face the enemy fire...

And the enemy first line starts to look almost cleared out. Just a few survivors scattered trying to hold their position.

Volkites hailing down from hill 134.

After a volley from the Lasrifle section the beast charges in on the thinned out position.

The enemy Force Commander Stein is seen with his command squad. rushing up along the trenches.

The beast are met with enemy fire and a lone xeno beast is all that is left. The losses of its pack members, the sounds from all the gunfire and the pain of its wounds is to much and it flees.

Another Ogryn is put down by the Eastern Fringe Trading Company.

The flamer squad is clearing out the trenches...

The Lord Marshal and his household retinue managed to charge the Ogryns after all the attacks besides the power axe wielding prime had struck a lone Ogryn was all that was left.

I had left the hill 134 in an attempt to push forward even further, to create some distance between the important hill and the enemy forces.

And the last Ogryn fell to an power axe...

Enemy sentinells with lascannons and Leman Russes starts to move in.

And one of my Medusas are taken out by the sentinels in a large explosion.

The enemy Force Commander is starting to get lonly...

The last two Velitaris starts to climb the hill.

Having dimsounted the Lord Marshal and his household retinue the Arvus returns for a flyby with its twinlinked autocannon, and manages to take out a sentinell.

The Grenadiers shoots their boltguns at my Lord Marshal and the Household retinue and the body guards of the Lord Marshal takes cassulties...
He is only accompanied by a lone Veletaris and a medic.

Ignoring the enemy Force Commander my flamer squad instead have found a juiceier target in an grenadier squad in power armour...

The Lord Marshal charges in and the grenadiers retaliate.

Even when the enemy Demolisher tank is using the hill as cover it gets taken out by an combination of fire from the Medusa and my Dracosan.

The Arvus continues its hunt on the Sentinells and managed to take out another with its twinlinked autocannon.

The Force Commander and the Grenadiers had taken out my Flamer section and starts to climb the hill.
Hill 134 must be recaptured.

Close action in the vicinity of the trenches. The Solar Auxilia sergeant manages to take out the grenadier sergeant with his charnibal sabre. The slow and heavy axe were no match for the quick swordsmanplay from a mighty sabre.

After the victory, the rifle section man the trenches.

The Lord Marshal is swinging his Paragon blade but it is not enough to scare the grenadiers and the combat continuous even longer.

The Force Commander up the important hill 134.

And the top of the hill is cleared... Should the game end now it will be a victory for the Expeditional Protection Forces. They would have recaptured the hill.

But the roll for another turn results in the game continues.

The Eastern Fringe Trading Company got stung by the daring assault up the hill 134 by Force Commander Stein and starts to gather strength for another counterattack.

A Lasrifle section under the command of Troopmaster Natailia Kolychev is ordered to clear the hill. It must be taken back.

In order to get a good fireposition on the Sentinells my Arvus lands to hovermode. Almost still hovering just above ground the twinlinked autcannons starts fire and takes out the last Sentinell...

Troopmaster Natailia Kolychev challanges Force Commander Stein to a duel for the hill.
She fell, but it gave her squad just enough time to bayonet the enemy grenadiers.

The casualties was just to much and the heavily wounded Force Commander Stein was forced to pull out.

Seen limping "on to the sunset" the enemy Force Commander Stein was driven from the hill 134 and this time there would not be another turn.
The hill 134 was secured by the Eastern Fringe Trading Company.
This meant that they would have control or spot any larger movements in to and around the planes of Benafsha from this direction.

This will surly mean that the Eastern Fringe Trading Company can expand their trading interest and negotiate with the local clans and village elders to get the trading income from the region.
The trading caravans are moving out as you read this...

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