
Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Raid on a underground base Beta 62 - 40k AAR Death Korps vs Dark Eldar

An Warhammer 40k After Action Report and photo dump.

This large photodump meant that some pictures are not in their order and multiple actions or happenings are photoed from different angles by both our cameras.

Please take the time to actually click and look at the picture in detail, many of them just oozes of character and atmosphere.

The Imperials have a huge underground base on the planet Amalgunda known simply as "Beta 62".

Its long from any active war zone but have some old important -CENSORED BY THE INQUISITION-  that could be repaired and used to -CENSORED BY THE INQUISITION- .

The role of Beta 62 has fallen a long way from grace in its prime. Oiginally constructed as a secret special ops base during the end of the Crusades. Used for secret projects.

Most of the base is abandoned and large parts are sealed up to cut the cost of maintenance and cleaning that are performed by servo automatas, servitors and other mechanicum constructs as well as pennant formations of Imperial Guard for time to time.

The base Beta 62 active parts is mostly used as training grounds for Imperial army and Mechanicum use it to test out mechanicum civilian and military constructs.
The huge underground installation offers some unique opportunities for testing and experimentation.
Many types of floor cleaning servitors constructs are the results of test performed at this location. 

The newly arrived Death Korps of Krieg from 4th Grand Armée, 45th Army, 452nd Assault Brigade, 4522nd Company was currently practicing Zone Mortalis type conflicts in the 53rd South Easter part of base Beta 62 when the Drukari struck...

It was thought that the strike was intended to hit between rotation of Imperial army troops in the area but the Drukari had calculated wrongly and missed the newly arrived Death Korps Assault Brigade. Some voices in high command is instead of the completely wrong assumption that the Drukari meant to strike exactly now with the newly arrived inexperienced Imperial troops in the vicinity of these tightly packed and badly lit corridors that could strike any regular mortal down with sheer horror.

We played the Resupply Drop scenario from the Chapter Approved 2017 book.
Resupply Drop
This mission uses 6 objectives placed in the standard way (12″ apart, 6″ from a table edge). At the start of the third battle round, the player with the next turn selects three of the objectives as Alpha markers. The remaining three are Beta markers. The player then randomly selects one Alpha objective (D3 roll that cannot be re-rolled with command point) and the other Alpha objectives are removed. The other player does the same with the Beta objectives. This then leaves only two objectives on the table. At the end of the game, each objective is worth 3 points.
We didnt use any special rules for the confined spaces and I felt that this maybe could be a problem but that we should try it out before we changes anything.
Im not sure if GW have released any special scenario rules for Zone Mortalis type of games for 8th edition ?

When the alarm sounded the Death Korps were scrambled to resist this incursion. What the enemy were after in this area was not known but a number of potential targets was located and the Imperial troops moved out. 

The ministorum priest gives the blessing of the Lord Emperor to all the troops as they move out. The enemy have to be stopped.

Enemy troops moves up with handheld anti tank weaponry...

An firefight ensues, Grenadiers are met with blasters and they respond with flamethrowers in different flavors...


Im moving out trying to gun down some Drukaris...

That plan was not succeeded and the xenos attacked...

A hand to hand combat ensues with Drukaris and the Death Korps infantry with their Quartermaster.

Plenty of enemy troops

The priest cough up with a group of enemies
-Fall back you foul creatures of the dark....

Taking up fire position but the support weapon cant find any targets.

Grenadiers with flamers comes in contact with more Drukaris...

The position are overrun but brave Death Korps troops still offers resistance.

A communication mast are held as the Drukari charges into the hangar.

A Priest and the Death Korps Marshal means to stop this filth...

An Drukari Archon are seen skulking the area with blades drawn...

Overhead shot of the hangar area.

Grenadiers prepare to sell their lives...

Casualties starts to thin out the troops. Now is the time to move out and engage. Give them no quarters.

The Wych leader don seems to tough... I bet my lieutenant can handle her...
And no, I dont take up any offers for people betting on her instead...

Nothing to see here...

With sabers and bayonets the enemy is contested...

The enemy Warlord Archon is located... How tough can he be ?

More troops are tossed into the grinder, the enemy just keep comming...

The Grenadiers had fallen and the a Archon are free to roam the corridors for new prey...

The Archon can be seen in the background here... No worries... no worries at all...

Okey, yeah... this might be a little more then my Marshal can handle...
While the priest will take care of the "standard" rank and file enemy troops (yeah right...) my warlord will take care of the enemy warlord... (no laughing please..)

The blessing of the Lord Emperors work at hand, the Priest survived another round of beating... He started to get a habit of surviving.
Enemy blades could almost not pierce his rosarius.

More Death Korps troops awaits their turn being put into action.

Enemy Wych hq are taken down with a mighty chainsword from a ministorum priest...
Not so tought now, are we...

My Marshal was finally cut down but the Priest is still engaged.
Put to be fair, had it not been for a half snake creature behind the cowardly Warlord that was interfering in the duel I might actually have had a chance of cutting him down. The snake-creature soaked up some wounds after my Hq had pierced the enmy 2+ inv save.

The enemy had some kind of character moving in the direction of a objective.

A unit of Engineers are ready to engage and stop her.

-Stay back you foul creatures...

The corridor seems clear, nothing to shoot here...

Fuck fuck fuck... enemies is on my positions, they didnt even had time to pull the triggers with their big support weapons...

My heavy team that had the plan to hold a corridor fail to even spot the enemy before they are assaulted...

The foul creatures starts to thin out...

The poor guardsmen had been minced between two Archons and the Wyches...

With extreme courage the heavy team still holds their ground.

The corridor that once were hold by the men of the Death Korps started to look desolated... 

The enemy she-creatures are engaged but she somehow managed to slip out of our grip and survived.

She felt back and a creature they called a Medusa stepped in and tried to unleashed trapped emotions onto the Death Korps Engineeers.
All the Death Korps was feeling to this menace was the utter hatred to the vile xenos, and good old human hatred for xenos cant hurt the Death Korps...

This halfway of enemy characters are stopped here... The Engineers draws their attack spades and prepares to sell their lives...

The corridor was now empty of Imperial troops but the enemy had not been able to secure the objective in time.

Perimeter secured...


In the end I had managed to hold the communication mast and denied the enemy the other objective. It had costed a ton of lives but the enemy had bean stopped.
Their are always more guardsmen to fill up the ranks...

A minor victory for the Imperium.
I really dont know how that happened because I got my ass handled to me at almost all the instances but somehow my troops stayed in the fight.

I was ready to toss in the towel and forfeit the game at the start of my opponents turn two, I felt that I had nothing to resist the enemy with, he just walked strait trough my army.
And his army just got stronger and stronger as the turns continued. But I thought that it would be bad sports and prepared my self to try to keep the spirit up and at least give my opponent a game.

And that was good, even though I was extremely pessimistic my men was not and they offered my opponent a run for his money and somehow that I really cant understand all those men lost and sacrificed was enough for the enemy to wear down and get bogged, giving my men a victory. Somehow.

A shaken high command can only send their gratitude for the Death Korps and the sacrifices they did on this day.

In the end of this extremly bloody game this was all that was left of our forces...

My brave heroes... A priest, a watchmaster and two of his soldiers...


The Drukari had more troops left but most of their characters were down to one or two wounds. This had costed them greatly...


  1. A great looking the concept 😀

  2. Cool table. Love the shots were the Dkok are ranked up beneath the bunker lights.
