
Wednesday, 11 September 2019

White Scars 1000pts Horus Heresy

I have done a small side project of batchpainting a 1000pts White Scars list for Horus Heresy.
And here are the side project finished...

A couple of years ago I bought a large 2hand vehicle park and have slowly worked my way through it. So this side project somewhat stems from the notion of that I wanted to shave of some layers on that huge pile of unpainted models...
And I wanted to try my hands on painting white...

And just for funsies... I painted the plasma and Volkite weaponry with special florescent colours from Vallejo that shines in UV-light
You never know when you are gaming in an rave next t

And as some of you might already have started to suspect these arent really White Scars but instead Alpha Legionnaires inspired by the colourscheme from Horus Heresy book 8, Malevolence.

Here are some pictures of the vehicles pre-painting, to show what I started with...

And here is the list I painted after:
It is by no mean a killer list but It got a little of everything, everything is mechanised and I really like the image I get with a small veteran formation behind enemy line with its own close artillery and Land speeders scouting ahead for the best way to move the force.

++  Crusade (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List) [996pts] ++
XX: Alpha Legion
Rite of War: Chosen Duty

+ HQ +

Delegatus [120pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Combat Shield, Melta Bombs, On Foot, Power Dagger, Power Fist
. Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Plasma gun
. Consul
. . Delegatus

+ Elites +

Apothecarion Detachment [70pts]
. Apothecary, Legion: Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner, Power Sword

+ Troops +

Veteran Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory [291pts]: 8x Bolt Pistol, 4x Bolter, 5x Chainsword, 2x Combi-weapon: Plasma gun, Plasma gun, 2x Power Axe, 7x Veteran Space Marines, Legion, Vexilla, Legion
. Rhino Armoured Carrier, Legion: Dozer Blade, Extra Armour, Multi Melta
. Veteran Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Dagger, Power Fist

Veteran Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory [300pts]: Banestrike Bolter Shells, 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter, 7x Combat Blade, 2x Power Axe, 9x Veteran Space Marines, Legion, Vexilla, Legion
. Rhino Armoured Carrier, Legion: Dozer Blade, Extra Armour, Multi Melta
. Veteran Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Dagger, Power Fist

+ Fast Attack +

Land Speeder Squadron, Legion [70pts]
. Land Speeder, Legion: Heavy Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile, Volkite Culverin

Land Speeder Squadron, Legion [70pts]
. Land Speeder, Legion: Heavy Bolter, Hunter-killer Missile, Volkite Culverin

+ Heavy Support +

Artillery Tank Squadron, Legion [75pts]
. Whirlwind, Legion
. . Castellan and Vengeance Warheads

++ Total: [996pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (

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