
Thursday, 11 November 2021

Gaming event, Tjureda Byggdegård Växjö

A couple of weeks ago the gaming club had a small get together and had rented a small village hall (or what ever the English word for it would be) just outside of Växjö.
Here we held a small two day event.
It was really nice to play some games again.

My Solar Auxilia force for my and Håkans game in our 30k campaign.

Iron Warriors clashes with the Iron Hands in the town in a 30k game.

We played a demo game of Rogue Stars. A refreshing change from the GW games that are usually played.
Rogue Stars is a game I will check out more. It seems really interesting.

15mm Chain of Command.

Dropzone Commander, Shaltari vs PHR

A game of fantasy Hjärnor