
Monday, 6 February 2023

Death Korps of Krieg - Field Ordnance Battery


The new Imperial Guard Field Ordnance battery is a neat little addition to the guards. Like a mini earth shaker battery I think it has its place fluff wise.
I wanted them to look similar as its larger cousins and ended up making greenstuff wheels from pressmoulding the wheels from the heavy weapons teams and mounting them in similar fashion.
I made the gun swapable  so these ordinance can switch between the heavy las cannon and the field gun.

Paintingwise I used French WW2 camouflage pattern but with alternative colours on the field ordnances. I painted a small red triangle, also a french WW2 marking for artillery.
The crew is painted in my standard Death Korps colours of german ww2 camoflage and I added red collar tabs to mark them as artillery crew.

It doesnt come through that distinct on these pictures but I added mud effect on some places on the bases making them semi wet, making the mud really terrible for the soldiers...


  1. Nice work. You can almost see them sinking into the mud!

    Regards, Chris.

  2. What did you use to make the wet mud? It look very good.
