Monday, 29 July 2019

Ajax II, game 3 - Horus Heresy event

This is an after action report from the third game from the Ajax II, Horus Heresy event.

Lord Marshal Alexandr from the House of Naryshkin would face the Death Guard led by none other then the Primarch Mortarion.

Finally a worthy foe...
I can already picture the traitorous forces getting scared by the Lord Marshal Alexandrs reputations and are pitting one of the fallen sons of the Emperor (blessed be his name) to deal with him.

The Knights starts to advance and the infantry follow, taking cover behind an hill.

Overview of the gaming table.
Enemy dreadnoughts advances...

Enemy Spartan with heavy payload of terminators and the Primarch him self...

The Scion Uhlan Lancer advaces with smaller knight armigers behind...

The gunline of the enemy...

The terminators and Mortarion disembark from their Spartan. Mortarion charges my quad-multilaser guns and their crew. The brave soldiers of the Solar Auxilia prepare to sell their life costly...

After an almost complete disastrous charge with minimum hits my Scion Uhlan somehow survives with just a couple of hullpoints lost but then decided to stomp the living crap out of the whole terminator squad...
When the dust settles all of the enemies where smushed into the ground...

The Scion Uhlan then charged the Spartan...
A lone marine is seen still holding his ground as his unit is obliterated by long range firepower from my lines...

On my other flank another knight charges forward...
Mortarion has got his huge scythe stuck on one of the quad-multilaser pieces somehow...
But the bayonettes cant even scratch the surface of the demi-gods armour.... (strength 3 versus toughness 7...)

The brave artillery crew are still holding...

As the enemy infantry back up, the Land Raider unleashes its cargo...
A terminator squad...
They charges in...
And the Knight is taken down...

The quad-multilaser crew is cut down after three stoic close combat phases and Mortarion manges to get his scythe lose and is finally free to roam the battlefield once again...

Lord Marshal Alexandr order what is left of an lasrifle squad form a line protecting him from charges from the Death Lord...

A Thunderbolt and my Scion Uhlan Lancer have finishes of the Phosfex quad-mortars and are now closing in on the rear line infantry...
The Lancer charges in...
-Protect me men, Im to rich to die.
The Lasrifle squad prepare to protect Lord Marshal Alexandr.

With T7 my men don't stand a chance to actually do anything...

The medic and a lasriflemen are still trying to tie down the Reaper of Men as Lord Marshal Alexandr have found a small tunnel just big enough for him to pass through...

On the other side of the rock formation another lasrifle squad meets up with the Lord Marshal, they running into the opposite direction to cover ground faster...

For a couple of turns now I have had an Aurox troop transport speeding at the double to reach this part of the battlefield...

As the Death Lord charges the new lasrifle squad that is now protecting Lord Marshal Alexandr he got more then enough time to climb aboard the relative safety of and APC...

Ah... Safety of some sort, at last...
Lord Marshal being totally to valuable to die at the hands of the Reaper of Men...
Having dealt with the missile launcher squad with its supporting Legion Siegebreaker Consul the Scion Uhlan Lancer now charges into the autocannon heavy team with its supporting Master of Signal Consul...

The Scion Uhlan Lancer skews the last marines in the backfield on his massive lance..

Wow.... What a game.. this was a really fun game with lots of unbelievable moments for my parts...

The quad-mulitlaser crew somehow manages to hold Mortarion for three close combat phases...

And my Scion Uhlan Lancer... Damn... He somehow managed to take out an massive unit of Terminators, then their Spartan, and then just started to clean out his backfield..

And in a sort of bitter justice, Mortarion was doing the same with my lines... I had nothing to really hurt him with here and all I could really do was tossing enough mortals against him to buy me enough time for the game to end...

A brilliant tactical manoeuvre, the kind of stuff that gave this victory for the Imperial forces under the command of none other then the man him self, Lord Marshal Alexandr of House Naryshkin...

And here is some other pictures I took during this game:

My Background and army pictures for my army in the Ajax sector can be found here:

Army parade:

AAR from game 1:

AAR from game 2:

AAR from game 4:

Friday, 26 July 2019

Ajax 2, Army parade

Here are my Army Parade pictures from the Ajax 2, Horus Heresy event.
I think I missed to capture all of the armies which Im really sorry for. I would have liked to get pictures from all the good looking armies I saw that weekend.

With 140something pictures this was not enough to capture it all...
Click on any picture to get a larger image.

So here goes, a wall of pictures...
