Sunday, 26 March 2023

Leman Russ bits

With the new edition of Horus Heresy and the new rules for the Solar Auxilia that I just started too look at there are some option that seems interesting.

The new options for the Command tanks is interesting. It is forced to use the Battle cannon in this edition and its a really really bad weapon. AP4 and 3" template is a long way from previous editions...
But the other rules for a Command tank as a Cognis signum and the Flare shield is interesting.
To represent this I added lots of extra sensors and bits to make the turrets stand out.

With the new rules you get coaxial Auto cannons for the Vanquisher cannon. Good ranged weapons.
I used the base from a demolisher cannon, a plasticard pipe and the regular Vanquisher cannons. I then added a Auto cannon for the coaxial mounting.

 Hull mounted and turret mounted Auto cannon options. Interesting to have a hull mounted option for this. Auto cannon might not be the best of options but it got a good range.

Pintle mounted Heavy Stubber options.

Pintle mounted Multi laser options.

And here we have the Command turrets on some of my older chassis. I wanted to show how they will look when in action.

Here we have the new Vanquisher cannons on my older hulls.

Auto cannon bits...

With enough extra love the Leman Russ tanks looks brutal. These vehicles you see here are long way from the boxart look...

These bits and extra turrets are meant to supplement my other Leman Russes.

Friday, 24 March 2023

Adeptus Titanicus Armiger knights


I got some 3d printed miniatures of Adeptus Titanicus scaled Armiger knights. These are rather small. Its not that I really needed them for a coming game but I painted them just for fun. There are rules for them in Adeptus Titanicus but I havnt looked at them yet so I have no idea if they are good or totally crap in the game. But they are so cure I just wanted to have some...
The miniatures are mounted on 25mm bases.

I painted them in my regular Questoris knighthouses colours of metalic red as a base colour and with white marble as opposing colour.

And here is some regular knights to give a sense of size.

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

White Scars casualties


I bought some 3d printed mk III marines casualties and painted them up as White Scars. The idea is to use them as terrain pieces or maybe objectives.
The table tops looks so much better with some scatter terrain to spice up the board.

The miniatures them selves have a little to rough shapes for my liking but as terrain pieces they will do.
I glued on some regular sand on the miniatures to make them even rougher and to take away some of the shapes from the print. To make the miniatures a little more interesting, but tried to keep it at a minimum to not take over.

I didnt give them that much highlight as I wanted them to look rather dull so they would not take the attentions away from the playing miniatures on the board, to make them blend in better with the background.