I wanted to have a swift Lord on a griffon, adding some mutch needed variation to a horse heavy themed force.
The miniature is a basic High Elf lord from the old Island of Blood box.
Paintingwise I wanted to add some yellow on the griffon to add some new colours to my other white/purple/blue scheme I went with for my elves. So the beak and front claws got yellow.
For the feline part of the griffon I initially wanted a snow leopard look, but many of the snow leopards pictures I looked at had lots of yellow in their fur and as I wanted something to break away from the elven rider I went with that but enhanced the yellow fur even more. It ended more like a leopard then the snow leopard I started to look for inspiration from but I like it.
On the long cape of the lord I painted a tree on to represent a nighelm tree from the forests of Ellyrion, thinking the forests around the mountains would be a natural habitat for the griffon.
The nighelm is a tree found in forests of Ellyrion with magical properties. It can protect against magic.