Friday, 28 June 2024

High Elf Lord on Griffon

I wanted to have a swift Lord on a griffon, adding some mutch needed variation to a horse heavy themed force.
The miniature is a basic High Elf lord from the old Island of Blood box.

Paintingwise I wanted to add some yellow on the griffon to add some new colours to my other white/purple/blue scheme I went with for my elves. So the beak and front claws got yellow.
For the feline part of the griffon I initially wanted a snow leopard look, but many of the snow leopards pictures I looked at had lots of yellow in their fur and as I wanted something to break away from the elven rider I went with that but enhanced the yellow fur even more. It ended more like a leopard then the snow leopard I started to look for inspiration from but I like it.

On the long cape of the lord I painted a tree on to represent a nighelm tree from the forests of Ellyrion, thinking the forests around the mountains would be a natural habitat for the griffon.

The nighelm is a tree found in forests of Ellyrion with magical properties. It can protect against magic.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

High Elf Mage


I felt I needed a Mage mounted on a horse to keep up with my mounted theme. 

This miniatures is one of the last "new" miniatures I bought a little before Games Workshop did all their stupid End times so it counts as one of my "newer" High Elves miniatures...

Its was a small box of plastic miniatures with enough bits to make one mounded mage and one mage on foot.

Paintingwise I wanted a sort of foggy miniatures, using toned down colours to make him sort of one with the mist, almost ghostly.
I used a small selective collection of toned down colours, but to make the miniature stand out a little I used some more "stranger" colours on his cape.

Im not totally happy with the end result but it will do.

Monday, 24 June 2024

High Elves, Ellyrian Noble


I wanted a minor nobleman to my Ellyrion themed army.
And I found this old school miniature in my collection, he was in rather bad shape with a missing sword and tired older cloth barder horse.
I gave him the top of a sword that I think comes from an archer kit. I gave him a "new" larger stead, a new shield and bow.

I think he turned out out great and I its fun to give a old miniature a new breath of life.

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Silverhelmes from the Kingdom of Ellyrion


I have painted this large batch of Elven knights, its the Age of Sigmars Lightelves or what ever their name is, that I gave new shields and I think these will work as Silverhelmes for my Ellyrion themed army Im building.
At first I thought the helmets would look wrong but as Im trying to theme the miniatures Im painting now as from the Kingdom of Ellyrion and thus giving them a special helmets I think works great. 
The Silverhelm champion was a test miniature for the colourscheme and have been showed on this blog previouslyshowed on this blog previously. Now the whole unit is done. 

Their helmets have some similarity to helmets or hats as the Scythian warrior on the picture above.
So if the AoS helmets have similarity to one of the step tribes that inspired the theme of the warriors of Ellyrion is just perfect for me.

I gave one of the knights a trumpet from my historical bit collection.

And together with the Ellyrian Reavers painted previously this is what I have painted for my High Elf collection.