Friday, 2 May 2014

Massive Arabic reinforcement

I just got these boxes delivered to my house (amongst some more metal miniatures from Gripping Beast...)

Overall I really like them. Even thou I would have liked a smaller size shield or two and some extra bags or knives to kit out the miniatures with.
With 40 miniatures a box this is a massive collection.

But dont worry, only two of the boxes are for me. The other two are for my friend Johan over at , the plan is to have some Medieval Middle eastern combat in the future.
So did I scare you with all those boxes...? 160miniatures in all...


  1. Scared me :-) Nice haul of minis and a cracking website, will be following in future.

  2. Voila du boulot en quantité, en espérant voir bientôt tes jolies réalisations. A bientôt Christian.

  3. Al Akbar! That is one mighty host of Arabs.

  4. They do look like very nice figs. Arabs are not my type of thing, but it looks like GBP did a good job.
