My friend Tobias and I had another game of Warhammer Old World.
With the overwatch the game master, head gaming table inspector...
We rolled for a scenario and ended with Mountain Pass scenario. Short end against short end with the long edges as impossible terrain unless you are flying or ethereal, so you cant flee of the battlefield from here.
So continuing our small set of games from the Badlands.
This times an cavalry force set out from Tor Anrok encounter a blocking force of Greenskins in a small lush valley between the mountain ridges.
We played a small 1000pts game with the restriction of maximum level 2 wizards.
As we are still new to the actual game and haven't really learned the rules properly Im sure we did lots of mistakes but we had lots of fun playing the game.
The horse archer themed High Elf force.
The Orc and Goblin force.
A Night Goblins force that have been reinforced with some Savage orcs.
The encountering forces moves out, with Ellyrion Reavers taking the lead for the High Elves.
My large 10 man unit of Ellyrion Reavers have been upgraded with skirmish. It looks really cool...
The Night Goblins releases their fanatics that are all rushing towards the elf line. I had kept some distance to use my shortbows and because of my fear of these lunatics...
But I got lucky and none of them were fast enough to reach my line in their first action.
My Great Eagle an a unit Reavers sneaks past the savage orc on boars.
My skirmishing Reavers back up, keeping the distance to those fanatics.
In the Goblin turn, two of the fanatics scatters into the ruined building and the last one seems to want to get back into his former unit...
My Silver helms failed a flank charge by one inch...
With the support of my mage my other unit of Silver helms with fresh horses charges into the Savage orcs...
With lowered lances the slaughter begins, the suviving Savage orcs turns to flee only to be cut down...
With my Silves helmes closer to their line the Nigh Goblin commander charged into the elves. The Nigh Goblin lord cuts down the Silver helm champion.
The mage and the surviving Silver helmes brakes and flees. But the Night Goblin didnt catch them, but they are pulled along as they chase after them.
With the flanks and rear exposed of the big block of Night Goblins it was up to the Ellyrion Reavers to try to stop the Green skin tide on this flank...
Thinking it would be an easy kill my Ellyrion Noble charges the Savage Orcs in the flank, and the Savage Orc "sergeant" issues an challenge in an attempt to save his doomed companions...
My charge fails miserable and my Ellyrion Noble gets cold feet and turn his horse and flees, only to be run down by the Savage Orcs...
What the hell... That was not in my plan...
The Night Goblin big boss in another challenge... This time against a Ellyrion Reaver champion.
The goblin is wounded but the champion is cut down...
Even though the Nigh Goblin big boss had won his challenge the basic Night Goblins had taken some casualties, mostly from those ninja horses... (as anyone knows, the horses are always better then the riders...)
The casualties and the fact that they were hit in the rear and the flank was just to much for the Night Goblins and they fled and consequently was run down by the light horses...
And thus ends the game in a victory for the High Elves.
The Green skin blocking force had failed and the mountain pass was opened for the elves to pass through...
The High Elves are now free to move out into the open planes of The Badlands.