Saturday 6 July 2024

Ellyrian warhost


I thought it was time for a new armyphoto of my project of rebasing and repainting my High Elf army.
The army so far is themed at the kingdom of Ellyrion so lots of horses and speed. Unfortunately you cannot field Unicorns and Pegasus's according to the rules but I might borrow rules from the Dark Elves or Bretonnians in the future just for fun, but for now I will keep it rules legal.

The rebase and repaint project is themed for the movement or speed so lots of horses or flying miniature.
And with a blue/purple/white colour scheme.

This should get me around 1000pts repainted High Elves.

The complete High Elf project in its current state can be found in this link:

Tuesday 2 July 2024

High elf great eagles

Next out for my growing repainted High elf army is a pair of Great Eagles.
The miniatures are from Gamezone Miniatures. Im not sure if they are still in business but their website seems to be up and running.

The sculpts must be at least 20years by now. I remember when I first saw them and they were so far ahead of any competitor or the GW eagles that was available then.
These are manufactured just a couple of years ago but they have been unpainted for far to long still. So it feels good to finally give them the love they deserve.
I still think they are the best eagles sculpts on the market.

Painting wise I wanted to have a white or gray eagle and is heavily inspired by the White-bellied sea eagle.
Its not a direct copy as I wanted to have more blue tones in my gray to tie it more into my other force.

Im really happy with the end result.