Håkan and I had a 2500pts game of Horus Heresy.
It feels like ages I played a HH game and it was lots of fun.
I played a Recon Company with Sicaran support that was rather fun.

Recon marines tries to use the ruins as cover as they advances.
The Headhunters closes in on the building full of militias, previusly they had taken out the milita commander, medic and are now picking out special weapons and the command squad lieutenant...
But the militia got fed up on them and gunned them down.
More Recon marines, the militias rearranges their lines in order to protect an objective.
The Destroyers closes in with jump packs...
The charges in slamming the mortals with their jump packs, tossing radiation grenades at the poor militas as they finishes them of with chainswords...
Making something like 23 wounds...
Those poor bastards... Taken to the ground by acute radiation sickening and then a massive armour clad warrior of death slams into you and you pals with fucking chainswords carving up all who stands before them...
The Sicaran Arcus found a nice firing line to the two Leman Russ in the Demolisher squad. And with sixes followed by sixes both tanks exploded.

The Alpha Legion Recon marines tries to find cover in the ruins to secure an objective.
The not so sane Destroyer Sergeant charged the Leman Russ, putting the jump pack to full effect and slamming the rear of the tank with his face before swinging with his Thunder hammer and inflicting 3 hullpoints on it and takes it out...
The militias was hard pressed in this corner.
Alpha Legion had payed a bloody price for this battle but came out on top.