Sunday 21 April 2024

Desert militia infantry

I finished the last batch of my desert militia force that I had glued together.
So here we have a large collection of pictures of them.

Here is a pictures with added UV light to make the florescent paint pop...

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Legion Imperialis testgame


Some friends wanted to playtest Legion Imperialis and I tagged along, getting the command on some Solar Auxilia forces.

This was the first game of Legion Imperialis for most of us and there were lots of looking up things in the rules but rather quickly I felt we got the basics of the rules and it started to flow more smoothly.

It was a nice experience and I had initially thought about skipping this game, but after this testgame I am more and more contemplating to just get a small small force... Just to be able to contribute to this type of event, or just for the excuse to paint some cure miniatures...


Here under is a collection of pictures I took.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Militia bikesquad

Here we have the next batch for my desert militia force, some bikers.

Its a box of Atalan Jackals and a Atalan Alphus from the Genestealer Cult now with bits from other makers and greenstuff to get these miniatures as I wanted.
For these miniatures I also added some cactuses from Greenstuff world.

The following pictures below I added some UV light. I painted the lights and some other details with florescent paint to make them pop...
The dream would be to one day play a game lit with UV light...

The earlier painted miniatures in my milita collection can be seen here: