Saturday 29 July 2023

Walls for my Turnip28 village

I made some walls to my Turnip28 themed village.

They are made of styrophome that I glued to a thin masonit base and later covered with a mixture of woodglue, plaster and sand and a top of cardboard for the tiles. And later painted them with an airbrush to get that nice transitional colourvariations and then some weathering effects and some flock.

Here with some miniatures for scale.

And here with some buildings and more soldiers in the village. I really like how the aesthetics turned out for this and wants to make even more terrain in this style in the future.

Friday 28 July 2023

40k special scenario from Ambush Alley, AAR


My friend Håkan held a special scenario from Ambush Allay, an Falluha scenario but with 40k rules and miniatures.

An elite force of Astartes and Astra militarum karskins are to assault an Renegade guard held town and take out and secure a power generator. 

We as the attackers had a small but elite force given to us for this mission, there were a couple of "hot spots" were Renegade forces could spawn new troops and a building with two doors that were the main objective were we had to secure both the openings.

Renegades tries to hold the building but the Astartes have them attacked from two sides.

The Astartes clears the building of the last Renegades.

An Valkyrie adds some much appreciated air support when its make a strafing run.  

It was a really fun and different scenario. I can really see us play more of Ambush Alleys scenarios in different games.
It was fun to see the marines really be as tough as the fluff makes them out to be.

Thursday 20 July 2023

Death Korps of Krieg Medicae detachment


With the 10th edition of Warhammer 40k the Death Korps of Krieg are somewhat reorganised with more availability of special weapons in the squad and to have medics in the squads.

This is a new option for me and I hadn't any in my collection.

With the new edition I plan to take massive casualties of troops and these field chiurgeon will have lots of work to do in games to come.

For the base of these guys I used some of the old "Gorgon crew" I had bought about 10 years ago...
Back in the days you could buy strips of Death Korps guardsmen at ease in strips meant to be added into the Gorgon assault vehicle, but you could also cut them into single miniatures for a cost of less then standard Cadians before GW noticed that people did it and stopped to produce them.
Any how, I used some at ease Kriegers and added large bags for all the medical equipment made out of greenstuff pressmoulds.

I later painted them with white helmets and a red medicae symbol and one of the shoulderguards also painted white. This was to make the miniatures really stand out and be easy to spot on the table top for me.