Wednesday 27 July 2022

Alpha Legion vs Vilka Fenrika, Horus Heresy Battle report

My Alpha Legion faced the Vilka Fenrika with the new edition rules. We played a 1500pts game.

The main aim for this game was to learn the new rules and the new edition so we looked alot in the rulebook to get a better understanding. This of course this took longer time then a "regular" game should take but we learned a lot and will speed up future games.

It was a blast and lots of fun moments were had.

We rolled for scenario and deployment.

We ended up with a standard long edge vs long edge with placing one objective each on the opposite table edge that we needed to take and hold.

The Vilka Fenrika gathered most of their troops in force on one flank and prepared to assault.
My Alpha Legion were not as strong in close combat so I instead tried to spread out and use my firepower at long range to my advantage.

My Breachers hunting after the enemy Seekers while still trying to capture the objective.

A total failure... Hitting on 3+ did me no good...

The Vilka Fenrika Contemptor closes in on my Bolter marines and charges in.

After a couple of turns where my super brave Sergeant managed to hold his troops together the units starts to thin out and are eventually destroyed to the last man. But not an inch was given...

Having destroyed the Marine squad, the Contemptor had found its next target... My Recon marine snipers...

The objective is captured by my Breachers, and some cheeky shots were taken at the last Seeker but it made no impact.

The Contemptor squished almost the whole sniper squad, the lone Sergeant fled the combat and managed to get away.

In the end it was a victory for the Alpha Legion. The Breachers capturing the objective gave me the points needed.

Saturday 23 July 2022

Lions Rampant Crusade game 2

This is the second game from our Crusade themed gameday using the Lions Rampant rules.

As with the first game we had two Warbands on each side and using a standard deck of cards for random activations.

This time the County of Tripoly was joined by Crusaders from Europe facing the Egyptian and Damascus forces.

As i wrote in the previous battle report I really like the Lions Rampant rules

German knight in full tournament attire... Something says me that this is a style they will quickly abandon when they get to feel the heat of the Holy land... But atleast they look good...

Archers getting a good vantage point.

The Germans having just plowed through the Saracen lines are turning around and are preparing to hit the poor spearmen from the other side. The spearmen have just reformed and prepares for the onslaught...

The forces from Damscus are almost shattered and only loosely fragments of their force can be seen here and there on the battlefield.

The Commander of the forces from Damascus are challenging the Crusader commander for a duel.
A duel that he wins. 

The Commander is then charged by some mounted sergeants but didnt react in time to countercharge them and is them ridden down.

The Egyptian forces are still holding together.

Even though some insane bravery on the behalf of the Turcomans on the left flank the heavy knights of the crusading force was to much and the County of Tripoly with their newly arrived Crusaders from Europe tock home the day.

Another excellent game of Lions Rampant.

Saturday 16 July 2022

Crusading Army


Here we have a photo inventory of my medieval European collection.
Its a mixture of miniatures but mostly Fireforge and Conquest Games for the plastics (as well as some old GW Bretonian archers) and a couple of different brands of metal miniatures mixed in.