Monday 21 October 2024

Solar Auxilia Companion Pioneers


I wanted some heavy hitters for my Solar Auxilia, and in this edition the Solar Auxilia got access to their Companions squads.
The Companion squad are special in that they are elite soldiers with access to a whole heap of weapon choices. For this squad I went in a sort of Pioneer way with destruction and clearing the way for the rest of the army as a theme. So meltabombs and melta guns for most of them.
I kept two soldiers with las rifles for lets face it... I dont plan for all of them to even be alive when they are close enough for encountering the enemy... And for added variety, for looks.

The miniatures are the plastic Solar Auxilia with lots of extra bits, Cadian bits, Legion Astartes weapons and greenstuff. Two of the helmetless heads is the Cossack heads from Puppet Wars.

These were really fun to build and I think I really managed to get a nice ragg tagg feeling of a sort of assault pioneer squad. 

Paintingwise I went with russian ww2 "amoeba camouflage" used by their Storm Engineer-Sappers.
The heat shield on the meltagun is painted in a sort of heat discolouration on a silver base to make them stand out a little extra, to make a deliberate balance to the duller muddier rest of the miniatures that are more grounded.

So with Cossack heads these guys will get aggressively close to the enemy...demolishing any heavy obstacle...

The augury scanner operator.

The lights and the edge of the Adjutants charnabal sabre are painted with flourecent paint making them "shine" under UV light...

Saturday 12 October 2024

High Elves, Ellyrion Reaver


I have painted another unit of Ellyrion Reavers but this time its an older sculpts than previously. I dont really like these older plastic horses but the metal riders are really nice.

In this post you will find lots and lots of pictures of the latest unit of Ellyrion Reavers.
I gave the horses a rune on the back legs as of the old painted picture and I also gave some of the riders extra details on their trousers or their shirt arms.

As with previous painted High Elves I have given them a blue/purple tint to make them look somewhat surreal. 

So please click on the pictures to see larger ones.