Sunday 14 July 2024

High Elf archers

I bought these archers second hand and have now given them some paint.

I really didnt like the miniatures "back in the days" when they were released so I never got them.
I thought I should get them now, more as a sort of collection item then anything else.

I still dont like the miniatures but with this colourscheme I like how they turned out.


Thursday 11 July 2024

40k Battlereport. Guards vs Guards


My friend Håkan and I had a game of Warhammer 40k. Its hard to not have a great game when playing games with Håkan.

So he wanted to have a game of Warhammer 40k but I haven't played a game for almost a year so I had almost completely forgotten the rules or how to even build an army and what to think about when doing it.

So I made an easy option of running a Leman Russ force as it would be less rules to learn then a force with more miniatures.

Håkan let me use weapon options from Warhammer 30'000 so for example I could use pintlemounted multilasers, but as I was playing without sponson weaponry overall it was a netloss in term of optimisation. But it looks cool...

The Russes are hiding in the bushes...

At the horizon the enemy Baneblade are seen.

Amongst the sea of Leman Russes a Techpriest tinkers along...

My first Vanquisher tank inflict a massive 11wounds on the enemy Baneblade... Damn... I think I just fell in love with the Vanquisher Leman Russ.
Last time I played with it that I can remember, granted it must have been in a previous edition but then it was shit...
And with more Leman Russes of different flavours the Baneblade were taken out in the first turn of the game.
That felt strange.

The stormtroopers ambush a Leman Russ and takes it out with meltas...

Stormtroopers have spotted their next target...

This techpriest looks more interesting in capturing a rare butterfly in the jungle then taking care of the Russes. I think he should work for the Biologus brand instead...

Håkan takes out a Leman Russ with a ocean of lasguns shots... Im guessing a shot hit a sight and bounced of the mirrors and finally hit a sensitive component.

Infantry holds an objective...

A Leman Russ finally enters from the reserve...
And the punisher gatling cannon started to spin...

The objective were empty at the end of the turn...

Leman Russ Executioner pushes forward to contest a objective, having more "object secure" then a Chimera it even managed to take control of it.

With their Chimera just exploding the infantry dismounted from the wreckage but that did not stop them to push forward...

Having pushed even further my Executioner is wanting to secure a objective that just happened to be guarded by an Techpriest...
- Power up the plasma cannon, Its execution time!...

When the smoke cleared and the fog of war lifted it ended for a minor victory for my Leman Russ force.
A really fun game that gave me the opportunity to relearned a lot of the current Warhammer 40k rules and mechanics.