Monday 28 November 2022

Alpha Legion vs World Eaters HH2.0 After Action Report


Olof and I had a game of Horus Heresy 2.0 and it was far to long time ago I played the new edition.
It took some time in the first turns to get into it again but we picked up speed later in the game. We played 2000pts and rolled for the mission and deployment.
2000pts was a nice pointlevel to get a little of everything in but was still not to massive. I think I like this level for a game.

My Alpha Legion would be facing his World Eaters.

A massive World Eaters assault spill forward from an Land Raider...
Enemy Preator and Elite soldiers of the World Eater legion...

With their special Alpha Legion reaction of Smokes and mirrors the Alpha Legion Terminator squad with my Preator turns up in the middle of the enemy lines, far ahead of their previous position...

Everything in its way are swarmed and picket apart...

After some gunfire and a couple of close combat attacks followed by more gunfire the zone starts to thin out...

More World Eaters sallies forth...

Enemy Preator with a lone bodyguard charges in... having taken a massive round of firepower that was all that was left of the elite squad.

The enemy Preator cut down my Champion but atleast his bodyguard didnt take down my Terminator Sergeant.
And then it was time for the Terminator Sergeant and he... he cut them all down with his chainfist...

A lone Recon marine Sergeant charges the side of the Land Raider and manages to take the last hullpoints of it with his meltabomb. Not that he needed it, but it was a juicy target for a lone Recon marine with meltabombs...

With dreadnought gunfire duels ebbing out it was a victory for the World Eaters...
The Alpha Legion was forced back with heavy casualties.

All in all it was a blast and I really need to play more games of Horus Heresy 2.0
The list I played was fun but in really need some tweaking to work better.

And here are some more pictures that Olof took

Friday 18 November 2022

Alpha Legion Headhunters


With the Horus Heresy 2.0 edition the Alpha Legion Head Hunters are interesting. In the previous edition there were almost useless, costing way to mutch and being worst then the standard variant of the role they filled on the battlefield.

I added the Head Hunter bits to mk VI armour and I think it looks good.
Paintingwise I wanted a colour without a lot of trim and details that stands out. But I wanted some details, so markings and such are painted with black paint to make it stand out to mutch.

This is just a start, I want to add more Head Hunters to my collection. But I thought that I start with these.