Thursday 29 October 2020

White Scars Seekers, Horus Heresy



--- Kill team Epsilon Gamma ---

---Day 32---

Behind enemy lines, starting to run low on energy packs. Soon a more daring raid to capture new energy cells are needed to resupply if operation is delayed further. But we are able to lay low for some time still, awaiting further orders.
Primary target is located as is secondary objectives.
Enemy movements are under surveillance and noted.
Epsilon Gamma are ready to strike, awaiting further orders.


I wanted to give my White Scars some reinforcements.

And a unit of Seekers would be thematic.
I started with basic MkIII plastic marines and then added lots of bits and greenstuff. It took some time to get the real feel for the miniatures but I think I have made all the miniatures unique but still consistent to their brethren.

Equipped with combiplasmas and their special ammunition Im sure they will do their work in the table tops in the future.





And because I really like these pictures... Here are some under a UV light, showing some extra details...



Sunday 18 October 2020

Wip Land Raidet Proteuses

Some time ago I bought two old school Land Raiders from my friend Kristoffer. They where in pretty bad shape as having served many years as scrap tanks in his Ork army.

The idea was to de-orkyfy them and try to save them. 

It was a project to fun not to try. 

A lot of thinking, experimentation and work has been put into this project but Im really happy how well they turned out. Its just some small work with some added bolts, maybe an radioantenna and some boxes but they are almost finnished.

I still think these old models look like shit but having tried to copy a the modern Forge World Proteus model I think they look better.