I had an old 2hand Chimera that I wanted to make something funny with. The initial plan was just to add it to the other chimeras but I ended up building an Samaritan, an armoured medivac vehicle based on a chimera chassi.
Things got out of hand and it ended as allmost a compact field hospital...
The initial plan was to just remove the gun turret and add some stretchers and boxes but... yeah things got out of hand...
All the weapons are either pinned or magnetised so I can swap them out or move them.
besides all the boxes and such on the hull there are two stretchers and also a wire cutter on a pole to protect the crew or the material on top for any low hanging wires the enemy might have stretched over a road.
Where it really got out of hand is when we open the rear hatch...
It got a fully extraditable medical servitor and beds and places to sit for the wounded...
It took far more hours then I want to admit to get the extracting mechanism to work and be able to be folded back into the vehicle again...
The medical servitor is from GWs "Sector Imperialis Objective" box and is magnetised so he can be turned but is still attached.

In hindsight it would have been so mutch easier to not have any interior or at least don't start with a model that was already glued together...
But when the idea got stuck in my head I just had to...
The Servitor got a rather long reach with this mechanics.
And when the job is done he can, when there are no wounded get some rest inside the lower beds.
Or be a really creepy bed-buddy to any poor soul that are in need to go to a proper field-hospice staffed by the Order Hospitallers...
There are no rules for a Samaritan in the 40k rules.
Im thinking that it uses the Chimera stats, and weapons options for mostly self defence, so same as the Chimera here.
Im skipping the Chimera turret with its weapon as the ammunition storage is needed for the medical supplies.
For its medical special rule Im a bit torn.
The Trojan support vehicle has the following rule:
Support Vehicle: In your Command phase, select one friendlySo one way would be to make it do something similar to this but for infantry.
Astra Militarum Vehicle model within 3" of this model. That
Vehicle model regains up to D3 lost wounds and, until the
start of your next Command phase, each time that Vehicle
model makes an attack, re-roll a Hit roll of 1. The same
Vehicle model cannot be selected for both this ability and
the Regimental Enginseer's Omnissiah’s Blessing ability in
the same turn, and each model can only be selected for this
ability once per Command phase.
The Death Korps have medics with the following rule:
Death Korps Medi-pack: At the start of your Command phase,So that is something similar rulewise as the Trojan but for infantry.
if the bearer’s unit is below its Starting Strength, you can
return up to D3 destroyed Death Korps Troopers to this unit.
But I feel that a dedicated medical vehicle should be better then a regular medic in a squad.
The Platoon Command squad can get a medic that gives the following rule:
Medi-pack: The bearer’s unit has the Feel No Pain 6+ ability.But the Death Korps Marshal and the Platon Command squad already gives this rule and I think they are not stackable so it would be useless.
Maybe one way would be to give it something like denying the opponents the points for killing characters or the warlord if the Samaritan is alive at the end of the battle or have managed to move out of the table after it happened, acting as a medical evacuation vehicle for important people. It could be a fun side objective to try to save an officer or to hunt him down.
But at the moment Im thinking something like the Death Korps medic and the Trojan rule would be most fitting.
Awesome stuff!