Monday, 24 March 2025

Old school sculpts, High Elf Spearmen unit

 Ive just painted a new unit of spearmen for my High Elf collection.
The miniatures were from Northstars figures limited run they had in January when they re released some old school miniatures.

The miniature were originally released by a company called Harlequin miniatures.

As I had 3 old miniatures from the 90s in my collection and Northstar had a limited re release I just had to get a full unit of them.
And here we have them in all their glory.
I really really like these old school sculpts.

Friday, 7 March 2025

Shadow warriors


 Next out in my High Elf painting project is a large unit of Shadow Warrior lead by a High Elf Ranger.

 And I just got the Arcane Journal book for the High elves, from what I understand there are some fun new special units thats adds lots of flavours. So Im looking forward to read the book.



I think this miniature is one of if not my absolute favourite miniature. It was originally released to the game of Hero Quest as a Elf ranger, I bought the miniature when it was sold separately as a High Elf Hero.
I have never liked the combo of an additional weapon instead of a shield or a two handed weapon on a hero but the miniature looks awesome. And I thought he would be perfect to lead my Shadow Warriors.

Here is another awesome miniature. He is from Mordheim and my initial plan was to include him as musician as he is carrying a harp. I later notice that Shadow warriors cant have musicians so he got promoted to a champion or maybe if I need a Noble with the Shadow Stalker honour.

 The shadow warriors is older sculpts but I like these more then the latest iteration of them.