Friday, 9 January 2015

Jungle cannibals

Every now and then I at least tries to finish up on some half painted miniatures that have been laying around for far to long.
And this time I finished some jungle cannibals from my Tribal Africa project where I pitted different African tribes together before the introduction of gunpowder.

The miniatures are from North Star.

As the dark miniatures was so hard to get a good picture of I tried a new background and I think you can pick up the details a loot better on the dark miniatures on these here. Enjoy

To bad I havnt even looked at my tribals for ages. There are some nice looking miniatures in the collection.


  1. They look great very nicely painted Engel

  2. Beautiful job, shields are amazing...a very impressive set of troops!

  3. Greate paint work !

    Are they plastic or metal ? Foundry ?

    1. "The miniatures are from North Star."
