Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Norse skirmishers


I have had these miniatures half painted for over a year. And between priming some other miniatures it was time to paint the last bits on them.

The miniatures are all Victrix miniatures and I really like them.

With a limited colour palete these were rather quick to paint.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Cracian warhost

I thought it was time for a little spread of my Cracian themed force of High Elves. Lead by none other then Korhil Lionmane, captain of the White Lions.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Chracian Spearmen

I have painted a unit of 16 spearmen.
The miniatures are old plastic ones with some metal command. The Champion have a really cool lion pelt so I felt he would be perfect to lead of spearmen from the kingdom of Chrace. I had a musician with a broken sword so I instead gave him a axe to further fit the theme.

Paintingwise I went with red and white and silver armour with some golden details, all covered with a thin layer of purple oilwash for shadows.

A quick paint job but they will do.
I like the end result.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

High Elf Noble

I painted a new High Elf noble on fot.
I think the model originally was sold as a Sea Guard champion but I dont really remember.
He dosnt look exactly as the metal Sea Guard but looks more like a dismounted variant of the metal Ellyrion Reavers.
So I painted him more like them. So my idea is that he is a Ellyrion Noble that have dismounted his horse to lead the infantry.
Its a nice model and I really like him.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Lion Chariot of Chrace


I have painted two Lion Chariots of Chrace.
I bought these second hand a couple of years ago and have now fixed them up and painted them. The painting theme here is white and red with a tint of purple in the shadows.
I think they will look rather nice on a table top in the future.

But besides that I think the hole idea of having a pair of lions pulling a chariot with two dudes in lionpelts really stupid...
But hey its fantasy, dont think to much about it.