Tuesday 11 October 2011

Fantasy terrain tutorial

Fantasy terrain

A friend asked how I made the bases on the trollbrothers and I thought that it would be a reason as good as any to make a tutorial.
I will show the techniques I used but while making an area terrain, this will be used in my fantasy project later on. The techniques is the same as a small model base.

I started by sawing a masonite board in to a shape of my liking and by using woodglue and sand to cover it. On a regular miniature or a piece of terrain that sticks up a little more the this allmost flat surface or a terrain piece that doesn’t have basecolor that I like,  I prime with it with a black primer. (remember to not spray on a styrofoam as it will melt...)
Then I used my white base spray paint and applied a thin layer. I tried to use an 45degre angel with the white spray, to simulate sunshine. This won’t make such a different on a flat surface like this but will be more noticed on other pieces so I thought it would be mentioned.
Next step is to ably my regular paint. I tried to use “wrong” colors, bright and non-natural ones to make clear this is a fantasy terrain. By adding water into the paint the color will not entirely cover the white primer, this effect is intentional as it will make an automatically shadowing and highlight effect.

After some different colors I felt that I was done.

I then used my bellowed woodglue and a brush I’m not that afraid to lose, covering some of the parts of the base. Dont forget to clean the brush.

By adding green grass flock I will tie the piece into a more natural coloration.

Next step was to use my box of dried stuff. It contains all things that could be used on terrain, old tea, dried and crushed leaves and flowers, some sawdust and some leftover flock and so on.

The intention with this is to make it look as forest undergrowth, a more natural terrain piece.

And then Im done.

Unfortunately I don’t have any trees to my fantasy forest yet, so until then the area terrain could be used with these rune stones, or maybe just as a piece of terrain on its own.

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