With the 10th edition of Warhammer 40k the Death Korps of Krieg are somewhat reorganised with more availability of special weapons in the squad and to have medics in the squads.
This is a new option for me and I hadn't any in my collection.
With the new edition I plan to take massive casualties of troops and these field chiurgeon will have lots of work to do in games to come.
For the base of these guys I used some of the old "Gorgon crew" I had bought about 10 years ago...
Back in the days you could buy strips of Death Korps guardsmen at ease in strips meant to be added into the Gorgon assault vehicle, but you could also cut them into single miniatures for a cost of less then standard Cadians before GW noticed that people did it and stopped to produce them.
Any how, I used some at ease Kriegers and added large bags for all the medical equipment made out of greenstuff pressmoulds.
I later painted them with white helmets and a red medicae symbol and one of the shoulderguards also painted white. This was to make the miniatures really stand out and be easy to spot on the table top for me.

Absolutely stunning work on these - I love the chipped, worn look of the white.