Saturday 10 August 2024

Warhammer Old World, AAR


Fresh High elf forces has landed at Tor Anrok and have crossed hidden pass ways through the Dragon Back Mountains and are moving out to the open plains of the Badlands.
Here they encounter a scouting force from the Bloody Handz.

Both forces are somewhat surprised but no one is willing to back away so warriors from both sides moves in possession... 


The map above is taken from the interesting and detailed map over at

My friend Tobias and I had a game of Warhammer Old world.
It was our first game and it was meant to be a test game of the rules so we made some mistake. But I think its far easier to learn the rules after some test games, its easier to understand the rulebook and memorise it.

I have a small plan of playing a sort of campaign set in the Badlands. The idea is that the result from games will drive the narrative forward.
Its not meant to count points, count number of wins or such, just a way to inspire to future scenarios and game and to give each game a little more meaning.
I found this to be a fun way to drive a narrative in other game systems and have some ideas how to implement it in this world.

We started with a 1000pts game to get a feel for the game. I think the rules for the Orcs limits the amount of savage orcs a greenskin army can take but this feels a little strange so Tobias was allowed to have more so he could field a Savage orc force.

Im more then sure we made lots of mistakes but we learned a lot during this game.

Overview of the Orcs and Goblin force.

Overview of my High elf force.

One of the Eagles made a run for it. Flying through a whole in the Orc lines, creating a headache for the Orcs.

High Elf forces tries to use its speed to set up troops for the next round.

The goblins turns their warmachine to face the threatening Ellyrion Reavers that tries to flank the greenskin warband.

The night goblins turn and moves closer to the centre to get the giant eagle in range for there short bows...

And they manages to pluck the eagle out of the sky by just one round of short bow arrows...

The High Elf forces act upon the previous turns arrangement.
The Eagle, one unit of Silver helms and my noble on his griffon all manages there charges. The plan to smash the smaller Savage Orc unit in this multi unit charge looks promising...

Goblin "artillery" away...

The High elf mage have joined the Silver helm unit to add some extra punch. Making a perfect charge to the rear of the savage orc boarboys...

As the elves didnt punch hard enough the got stuck only pushing the boarboys back a little...
The Savage orcs on foot with the shaman charges in, catching the horselords...

The silver helmes did manage to survive but the are heavily outnumbered and are forced to flee the green menace.

The Reaver sergeant are hacking
The goblin crew manages to roll an insane courage roll of a double one...

One lone Silver helm made a charge to help out the last Reaver and took out the last crewman of the goblin warmachine.

And with that our game were over.
It ended in a minor victory for the greenskins.

It was a really really fun game and it felt good to play with my High Elves again after ages and ages spent in a box...

None of the units or characters felt to good or unbalanced and that felt great.
Im sure there are units or characters in the game that is "to good" but we

The greenskins from the Bloody Handz had come out on top and the High Elf scouting force was pushed back but it had costed the orcs a lot of casualties.
They would be forced to return to their closest camp for resupply and reinforcement but they knew pointy ears can be found in the area now.

This was the first encounter of the Horse elves in this open plane, they would face the Orc forces again but that my friends is another story...

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